Statement of Faith (SoF)
We Believe in...
The unerring Word of God, written by God's hands through His faithful servants.
The One True God of Israel, of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Creator of the Universe, all-knowing all-seeing. A Loving Father who truly cares for every soul.
Yahshua Messiah, Jesus the Christ. Born of a virgin, crucified to become the sacrificial lamb for atonement of sin, Resurrected after three days to defeat death which is satan to become our mediator, our council, our King.
The Holy Spirit, the comforter, sent to teach us ALL things and infuse us with power from almighty God!
That these three: God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit are one. This is the true Trinity. Three in one, as we are three in one: Body, Soul and spirit.
Salvation by Grace through Faith.
Baptism by Water as a Christian act of faith, showing that we die with Christ (going down into the water) and are raised with Him (coming up from the water).
Baptism of Fire which is the Holy Spirit indwelling.
Faith & Works go hand in hand.
Laying on of Hands brings healing.
The Resurrection of the Dead at the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
The Return of Christ after the tribulation, no longer a babe in swaddling clothing but as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. This is that Day of Vengeance of our God. (Isaiah 61:2)
Eternal Judgment: When the just are given Eternal Life and the unjust are punished with Eternal Death.
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