"If you are a wandering soul, seeking something in your life, something you have hungered for and found nothing to fill it...I know what it is that you are searching for, because I have been there myself. When I asked Jesus the Christ to come into my life, the search was over, the hole was filled, and I found a home. My wandering days were over. So if you have not accepted Jesus as your savior, if you have not asked him personally to change you and come into your life..it is very simple to do and the most important decision you will ever make in your life!"

- Carl Towns

If you believe that Jesus came to die for you on the cross. If you believe that he arose on the third day to defeat death to give you the gift of eternal life; all you have to do is Admit you are a sinner (One who has lived for self pleasure instead of pleasing God), Believe that Yeshua, Jesus, paid for your sins by giving His life for the required sacrificial payment, so that He could become your Savior, then Confess to your Father and to those around you of the wonderful joy in Christ Jesus. If you are not sure how to do that, just in believing upon Christ talk to your Father God and pray this simple prayer:

"Our Father in heaven, this day I confess that I am a sinner, I have broken your commandments and know that my current path will only lead to eternal death.
Lord I believe that Jesus is your Son, that he came to pay for my sins upon the cross at Calvary, to be the ultimate sacrifice. His blood was shed so that I could come to you and ask your forgiveness today.
Father I ask your forgiveness for what I have done against you, I turn from those sins to face you Father.
I believe that Jesus died on that cross but arose on the third day to defeat death so that I could receive the gift of eternal life. Father I ask for that gift now, and ask you to come into my heart. Let my heart be changed to serve you and walk in your path, the example that Jesus gave to me while on earth.
Father I ask that the comforter, the Holy Spirit, come into my heart, to anoint me for your service.
Thank you Father for your Son, Jesus the Christ! Thank you for the gift of eternal life! Thank you for saving me!"

If you just prayed that prayer, will you email us and let us know! It is such a wonderful thing when a child comes back to their Father! Email us and let us know that you have started this journey and accepted Christ as your personal savior! God bless you and keep you, may his countenance shine upon, may His Holy Spirit comfort you and teach you in all things! Your decision to come to God, brings joy to the host of heaven! Jesus himself said this:

"...I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth."
(Luke 15:10)

To help you on your way as a new Christian, you can download this free ebook: "Your Journey On The Upward Road"
We hope that your new journey will be blessed in the name of Yeshua!

woman walking at desert
woman walking at desert