Wilderness Ministries was established as a voice in the wilderness of today: The Internet!
As was mentioned in the History, this ministry incorporates Isaiah chapter 61:1-3 into the foundational ideas established for this ministry.
Those principles in Isaiah are gathered into two main goals:
1. To be an oasis for those wandering in the wilderness.
The wanderer is searching for, longing for something to satisfy the hole in their heart. Wilderness Ministries hopes to help the wanderer realize that the key to fit that hole perfectly is Jesus shaped and that He is the only thing that can give them rest from wandering in this life.
2. To strengthen, and encourage those who have already found their oasis.
For those who have already come into the sheepfold which Christ has given, we hope that the content within this website will build up that relationship into a stronger, more real relationship with Christ and the Father.
These are our two very simple, yet important goals. We hope this website will help you in your journey to the Kingdom of God.
Mission Statement
©2024 Wilderness Ministries. The content on this website may be used in whole or in part with the inclusion of a reference to this Ministry and the website.