Love Lost
Archived on December 26th, 2004
Mat 24:12 And because iniquity shall abound,the love of many shall wax cold.
This verse is within a chapter that describes the things that would occur before Christ's return. Jesus Himself is telling these things that were to come in the future. The term "wax" has to do with ther old English, of waxing. Such as, the waxing of the moon. It mans to "become" something. So here, the love of many will become cold. That is love; love for wife, brother, sister, parents, love for each other in general will wane, decrease like the moon, until no love is left.
In this same verse Jesus gives the reason for this lost love: Wickedness will increase. More specifically violation of the Law will become the normal way. This of course refers to the Law of God, the original law that man's laws are based on.
Do you remember the Ten Commandments, those same Commandments that are not allowed in a public place anymore, because it "offends" people. Children, talk about offending, your gonna be really offended when He says to you, 'Depart from me, I never knew you." Will you think of those Commandments that offended you and realize maybe you should have dwelt within them. A Christian should have them written on their heart. If they aren't, they should pray really hard about it. Repent!
Jesus simplified those laws for us. He said that the Ten are compressed into two great commandments: Love the Lord thy God with all your being and Love thy neighbor as thyself(Matthew 22:35-40). If the Ten Commandments are offending people, so are these two great commandments, there is no love toward God or our neighbors from these people. So love is growing cold and this wickedness abounds today. The words of our Lord are coming to pass, more and more each day. Everytime I see, a news story where a mother or dad has killed their child or atempted to, I think of the 12th verse of Matthew Chapter 24. When I see slaughter of innocent people by those who think they are doing the will of God, I think of this verse. When I see person decapitated, I think of this verse. Hate is on the rise: Love is lost. However; Hope is not lost. I want to relay to you the verse after this 12th verse of Matthew Chapter 24:
Mat 24:13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
Persevere! Do not let the wickedness of the world get you down, sure it is heart-wrenching to see these things, but always hold the Living God, our Father in your heart and realize that His love towards you will never be lost! Amen!
In His Service,
Pastor Towns
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